Phantom Crypto Wallet

Application Redesign


design thinking

implemented for Web3

with clarity in mind!

Briefly about the

The Goal

The goal of this wallet app redesign project is to develop a more user-friendly interface and bring clarity to the application. Understanding the features and navigating the new world of web3 can be confusing for the users. I aim to develop a solution to improve the user experience of the app.

The Problem

The application lacks some features, that the user would expect from a wallet application (easy way to switch between blockchains, hide balance, currency converter). Some of the main functions are not easy to locate or take too many steps to achieve the goal of the user, as well the icons are confusing on the bottom nav bar. The overall design is clear but can be improved with some interesting elements.

The Solution

Create an interface that has improved usability, by grouping actions in an expected way for the user, and bringing major hidden functions on the screen. I added some extra functions to the interface to improve satisfaction and create a safer and more understandable application design.

Briefly about the

The Goal

The goal of this wallet app redesign project is to develop a more user-friendly interface and bring clarity to the application. Understanding the features and navigating the new world of web3 can be confusing for the users. I aim to develop a solution to improve the user experience of the app.

The Problem

The application lacks some features, that the user would expect from a wallet application (easy way to switch between blockchains, hide balance, currency converter). Some of the main functions are not easy to locate or take too many steps to achieve the goal of the user, as well the icons are confusing on the bottom nav bar. The overall design is clear but can be improved with some interesting elements.

The Solution

Create an interface that has improved usability, by grouping actions in an expected way for the user, and bringing major hidden functions on the screen. I added some extra functions to the interface to improve satisfaction and create a safer and more understandable application design.

Phantom Crypto WalletPhantom Crypto Wallet
Interface Design


After finishing the design and after reviewing every step I created the  following design for this project
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Is the design responsive?!



I believe it's crucial for a website to have a responsive, fluid and flexible layout which adjusts according to screen size. I always create interfaces with usability in mind, and responsive web design has an important role because it offers an optimized user experience on any device.

MObile Responsive INterface Design

No items found.

Phantom Crypto Wallet

The appearance of the responsive mobile user interface.


MObile Responsive INterface Design

No items found.

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Digital Experience Designer
with a passion for


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